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Simon Uszkoreit

Central Coordination Project

The coordination project serves as operating center of all activities of the Research Unit FOR5504 headed by speaker Prof. Björn Schumacher and vize-speaker Dr. Stephanie Panier.

Our Integrated Research Training (IRT) program coordinates topic-specific workshops, mandatory courses on good scientific practise and career advancement opportunities for all trainees of the FOR5504.

The IRT holds a seminar series with internal and external speakers, and journal clubs to discuss latest research in the field of genome stability. The Research Unit’s coordination project shapes a global network of genome stability research with international partners and conduct annual retreats, joint meetings and workshops, and an international conference.

To promote public engagement with science, we perform diverse public outreach events, such as townhall events, on-campus seminars for patients, clinicians and researchers, and science fares. Furthermore, we share and create medial content on our website, social media channels and beyond.

As part of the coordination project, the FOR5504 provides start-up funding to promote the independent career development of a female postdoc to support the transition to becoming a principal investigator. Each year, MD student fellowships for medical doctoral candidates (Dr. med.) and travel grants for clinician scientists are competitively awarded for projects in the field of genome stability research. The career advancement programs are fully integrated within the IRT of the Research Unit.

The Research Unit is strongly committed to promote diversity and equal opportunity via diverse Gender Equality Measures to improve gender balance. To this end, the Research Unit’s Gender and Diversity Board promotes postdoc-to-independent group leader transitions of affiliated postdocs and provides them with mentoring and career counselling. In order to help researchers with children also onsite child-care opportunities during full- or multi-day events are provided.